A Year with the Ancestors

‘I want to ask you who you are. I want to know your story. I want to know your joy. I want to know your sorrow. I want to know what it took to be you, to stand where you are standing. And if it feels safe to look back at where you have come from. The journey from there to here. Please tell me. I want to know.’

This is a conversation I invite you to have with your ancestors.

I invite to join me on a journey. A journey through the stories of your ancestors.
Family and ancestral constellation allows us to explore and uncover these stories and our own inheritances. We can start to understand the untold stories, the broken promises, the promises still being held. The impacts from those that left one country for another and those that were left behind.

These influences have silently shaped not only who you are but how you are seen. It has influenced the limits you set for yourself where you see your limits for yourself, what your responsibilities are and what your future dreams are.

What if the story you are living doesn’t actually belong to you? What if you are living someone else’s life?

Their stories are your stories.

Whose life are you actually living?

In 2020 take some time, each month for a year to walk through the stories, known and unknown, in your ancestral field.

In your own time and at your own pace.

Through a specially recorded audio guide I will be gently walking you through the significance of the topic and how this relates to your own belonging and the constellation theory around it.
A short story will accompany the audio guide to properly illustrate the topic of the month with set exercises to help you as you uncover the loyalties and entanglements within your own ancestral line.

Stories are powerful. Allow yourself to listen to the voices of your ancestors. Begin to remember them and begin to remember yourself.

Our topics are:

January: Belonging

February: Beliefs

March: Relationships

April: Promises

May: Intimacy

June: Secrets

July: Lies

August: Money

September: Fears

October: Childhood

November: Dreams

December: Joy

I invite you to walk with me, one constellation at a time, through the untold stories within the history of your ancestors.

So how will this work?

Subscription to your year with the ancestors will be £30 per month, or £330 for the full twelve months in advance.

Every month you will receive:

A link to a fully downloadable podcast where I guide you through the topic and its significance for you and your inheritance from your ancestors. It will explain the ‘why’ of our topic as well as ways to spot the entanglements within your everyday relationships.

One short story linked to the monthly theme. Because stories are a powerful way to bring to life the theory and practical application. Stories are a way to bear witness to the unacknowledged trauma within our ancestral line and the inherited memories that flow through our blood without having to become the story in this lifetime.

One set of created constellation exercises relating to to each of the characters from our ancestral story and the significant events within in. You can choose to work with the character you connect with most, or the one you connect with least. Or you can take your time to work through the entanglements from all of the different perspectives..

Exclusive access to a private Year with the Ancestors facebook group where you can connect with myself and other members. This Facebook group will be a space to share your story, to connect and ask questions.

To book your place just choose one of the payment link options below. If you have any questions please just send me an email. I am excited to step into the stories with you.

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